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About The Conference
Since, 1992 Rio Conference, the political impetus that carried the ideas of sustainable development so far and so quickly has increasingly seemed to distance it self from it s scientific and technological base. Some are now attempting to restore this base by mobilising our technical agencies to address science, technology and sustainable development in a more systematic manner, and to institutionalise this paradigm into our long- term planning and program development.
Many of NGOs are, in fact, already operating on principles, policies, and missions that have their essential bases in S&T. But today, we want to persuade the commitment to science and technology as one essential piece of the development process. And we want to appeal you to join us in this public/private effort to move science and technology prominently into the agenda of the SASE and beyond.
Science and technology considerations are involved in virtually all facets of our 21st century foreign policy -- whether against threats to our critical infrastructure, addressing HIV/AIDs and other global infectious diseases, crop productivity, Biotechnology, Human health, protecting biodiversity, or mitigating transboundary air pollution -- science is indispensable to understanding the problems, and technology is central to their remediation.
NESA Members
This Conference Themes
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What will be at What Time?
9.00 am - 10.00 am
Start joining our elite speakers !!
10.00 am - 11.00 am
Coffee Break
Tea and coffee are all part of the registration fee.
11.00 am - 4.00 pm
Start exploring Conference themes !!
4.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Online workshops with our speakers
6.00 pm - 9.00 pm
When the talks end, the party starts!!