Since, 1992 Rio Conference, the political impetus that carried the ideas of sustainable development so far and so quickly has increasingly seemed to distance it self from it s scientific and technological base. Some are now attempting to restore this base by
mobilizing our technical agencies to address science, technology and sustainable development in a more systematic manner,and to institutionalize this paradigm into
our long- term planning and program development. Many of NGOs are, in fact, already operating on principles, policies, and missions that have their essential bases in S&T. But today, we want to persuade the commitment to science and technology as one essential piece of the development process. And we want to appeal you to join us in this public/private effort to move science and technology prominently into the agenda of the
SASE and beyond. Science and technology considerations are involved in virtually all facets of our 21st century foreign policy -- whether against threats to our critical infrastructure, addressing HIV/AIDs and other global infectious diseases, crop productivity, Biotechnology, Human health, protecting biodiversity, or mitigating transboundary air pollution -- science is indispensable to understanding the problems, and technology is central to their remediation.
Sustainable development is critical for creating safe and livable cities, but many developed
countries and cities are at present struggling with enormous environmental issues and its
improper management.For example, waste management service necessitates the development of integrated structures that are effective, long-lasting, and socially beneficial. Solid waste, which makes up the majority of waste produced by household, industrial, and commercial operation, is the subject of a majority of Waste Management practices.
Of course, science and technology alone are obviously not the sole answers -- and will never be. While complete solutions to urgent problems of health, agriculture, food security, and clean water, for example, might not always be available or practicable, development decisions made in the absence or ignorance of the best S&T advice available will be highly risky affairs.
What we most need to learn is that in the major scientific matters which now affect human
destiny, one cannot safely take decisions for today unless we realize that those same decisions determine the future. This realization may not lead to the right decisions; but it might help to obviate some of the worse (ones). This national conference will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, policy makers and educators to present, share, and exchange and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Sustainable Environment. The conference will feature renowned speakers representing both academia and industry who are renowned experts in sustainable development. Selected papers will be published in the conference proceeding.
National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), New Delhi (SASE-2023) invites
abstracts/papers that must be directly relevant to the following sub-themes:
A. Environment & Pollution
B. Herbal Medicines & AYUSH
C. Human Health and Diseases
D. Pharmaceuticals & Neutraceutical
E. Biotechnology & Life Sciences
F. Agriculture, Horticulture & Biodiveristy
G. Global Warming and Climate Change
H. Oceans and Forest
I. Development and Natural Disasters
J. Medical Sciences & Human Health
K. Rivers and Groundwater Pollution
L. Social Science and Green Energy
M. Environment Born Diseases and Yoga
N. Presentation on theoretical, methodological, and case studies on the aspects of
the theme as well as related areas are welcomed.
1. Alternative system of Medicines and Ayurveda
2. Traditional Medicines and Pharmaceuticals
3. Neutraceuticals and Herbal Cosmetics
4. Standardization of herbal raw material and derived products
5. Herbal Cosmetics and Its Market size
6. Botany and Botanicals in Environment and Human Health
7. Climate Change and Effects on Crop Productivity
8. Pesticides in Food crops and Health Hazards
9. Biotechnology and Environment
10. Agriculture and Horticulture Crops, Soil Desalination, Soil Pollution and
11. Mycorrhiza and Food Quality
12. High Altitude Herbs and their Applications
13. Costliest Fungus on the Earth: Cordyceps sinensis and its alternatives for Health
14. Role of Different Herbs on Diabetes, Heart, Liver, Kidney, Skin, Nervous system
15. Role of infectious diseases, Oxidative Stress and Effects on Human semen and
Ovum: Challenges in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
16. Role of Heavy usage of Antibiotics and Release of Antibiotic Resistant Microbes in
the Environment: Challenges
17. Herbal Supplements for Increase in sperm Count and Libido
18. Endocrine Disruptors and Effects on Human reproductive Systems
19. Dioxin and Role of Environmental Factors on Human Reproductive System
20. Environmental Risk Management and Environmental Protection
21. Environmental Sustainability, Urban Modernization and Development
22. Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy
23. Ozone Layer Depletion, Prevention and Health effects
24. Global Warming and Climate Change
25. Water Harvesting
26. Environmental Hazards and Impact on Human Health
27. Oceans, Seas Oil Spills and effects on Aquatic life
28. Agricultural and Urban Solid Waste Management
29. Hazards of Burning of solid wastes and Impact on Soil, water, air and Human
30. Wastewater Pollution and Treatment
31. Forest, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem
32. Natural Disasters, preparedness and Risk Assessment
33. Innovative Technologies Developed and Practiced to limit the impact of the
34. Impact of COVID-19 and other aspects of Health and Disease
35. Himalayan Biodiversity and Its conservation
36. Air Pollution and Mitigation
37. Industries and Water Pollution: effects and Mitigation
38. Agriculture and Environment
39. Renewable Energy and its scope
40. Bioremediation
41. Environmental Microbiology
42. Environmental Biotechnology
43. Biodiversity Conservation
44. National Parks and Sanctuaries : Tiger Conservation safety measures Endangered
Species of Wild Flora & Fauna
45. Waste water utilization
46. Role of Higher Education to meet the Sustainable Developments Goals
47. Health effects of Environmental degradation.